Resolution For the new Millenium & the 'age of Aquarius' it is fitting that the past should be wrapped in the resolution of forgiveness so, we can move forward.
Resolution is not something you can gain, it's an inner strength that So, Ricks resolutions will continue because, I love these words. March | April January | February November | December September | October
LET YOURSELF LIVELife is too precious to waste it on anger, worry, envy or despair. If something is troubling you, it serves no useful purpose to add trouble of your own. Accept it and then do something about it, with positive, focused purpose. Let go of your anger, your worry and your other crippling states of mind as quickly as you can. Free yourself from the limitations imposed by your own negativity. Let go, and let yourself live. It is very easy to do, if you'll just let yourself do it. You were born to be creative and joyful. Any time you spend on vengeance, hatred and anxiety is mainly cheating yourself. Get on with the delightful work of fulfilling your own unique destiny. There is nothing which can keep you down when you're committed to being the best you can be. Your negativity is something which you can take or leave as you wish. So leave it behind you as quickly as you can. Get on with the business of being alive and full of joy, of meeting the challenges with a positive, effective determination. Today, right now, is a great time to start.
Peace and Love, The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. -William James
LIFE"The tragedy of life is what dies in man while he lives." -- Albert SchweitzerAddiction progressively takes away the vitality of life. It robs life of meaning. Addiction isolates; it kills by atrophy. People, places and things lose meaning; everything becomes a chore and God is lost. We say to compensate that we are having "fun" --- we say this a lot and at times we believe it, but in the silence of the night we know it to be a lie. We lie to others and to ourselves by believing their perspective of us to be inaccurate. But, they are seeing us the way we are refusing to see ourself. Sometimes we believe the lie! At this point we begin to die unless we take courage and confront "the lie" in order to live. Today I live because I confronted my lie. I have discovered the spiritual power that was buried deep beneath the progressive addiction. And I am finding it easier and less painful to live. May I continue to breathe a daily "yes" in my life so that I might live.
Peace and Love, The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. -William James
DESIREDesire separates the possible from the impossible. Anything is possible if you have a strong enough desire to achieve it. Your knowledge, talents, abilities and resources will naturally be aimed in the direction of your strongest desires. If your strongest desire is to climb a mountain, you'll find a way to do it. If your strongest desire is to sit in front of the TV and eat cupcakes, you'll find a way to do that as often as possible. If your desires seem to lack ambition, perhaps it is simply out of ignorance. We cannot desire what we do not know. Acquaint yourself with the best that life has to offer and your true desires will become more lofty. We're all quite successful at fulfilling our strongest, most genuine desires. What you truly desire you will certainly have. So learn to desire the very best that life has to offer.
Peace and Love, The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. -William James
YOU ARE!Live today like you are someone special, because you are. Live today like you are created for success and fulfillment, because you are. Live today as if a world of opportunity were stretched out in front of you, because it is. As you go through this day, keep in mind that every thought, every feeling, every sight and sound is truly miraculous because you are alive and able to perceive it. Gaze in awe at the vastness of possibilities which are yours to choose and follow. Live today as if what you become is more important than what you have, because it is. Live each moment of this day fully mindful of the miraculous reality of your existence. Transcend the disappointments, because you can. View the problems as opportunities, because they are. Live with purpose, focus and joy because that is who you really are.
Peace and Love, The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. -William James
WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOWYou already know the importance of discipline, integrity, perseverance, patience and positive focus. You've experienced their benefits, and you've experienced the pain of their absence. Yet your attention is often overwhelmed by the moment, and you too often abandon the sensibility that you already have. So make a conscious effort to remember. The good things are already yours to the extent that you recall and appreciate their goodness. Success in life flows from the gratitude and appreciation of those qualities which make success possible. There have been times when you've expressed each of those qualities with your thoughts and actions. Had you not done so, you wouldn't have made it this far. Latch on to the qualities which bring true fulfillment. Clearly and fully recall their value so as to remind yourself how very much you desire them and the fruits they bring. Remember what you already know and let it guide you to achieve.
Peace and Love, The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. -William James
DECISIONDECISION "When you see a snake, never mind where he came from." -- W. G. Benham So many alcoholics have died looking for "the problem" that made them drink. The wife, family, neighborhood or unemployment was why they though they got drunk. They died seeking a reason. Alcoholics Anonymous clearly states that alcohol is the problem for alcoholics. Alcohol is the problem! A statement that is so simple yet so profound in its healing. Today thousands upon thousands are choosing not to die by not taking the first drink. To see the problem clearly and honestly is the beginning of wisdom. O.A., ACoA, N.A., G.A., Al-Non and others have used these simple principles with profound results. Do I see the snake?
Teach me to avoid those things that cause me pain and destruction.
Peace and Love, The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. -William James
YOUR DECISIONEvery good mood you experience is your decision, and so is every bad mood. Everything you do in anger is your decision, and so is everything you do with love and compassion. Being effective is your decision, and so is being purposeless. Being successful is your decision. Being happy is your decision. Making a positive difference is your decision. Ultimately, the things which most affect the quality of your life are your decision. There are many things over which you have little or no control. Yet you have complete control over yourself and the way you respond to the world around you. You can't decide what the weather will be. However, you can decide to enjoy yourself whether it's raining, snowing, blowing or hot. You have no control over the world economy or the market conditions in your particular business, yet you have complete control over how you decide to respond to those conditions. The cards you're dealt do not matter nearly so much as how you decide to play them. Decide to be successful. Decide to be happy. Truly decide to make a difference, and you will.
Peace and Love, Don't believe in miracles, depend on them !
MUSIC"I know that the twelve notes in each octave and the varieties of rhythm offer me opportunities that all of human genius will never exhaust." --Igor Stravinsky There is so much to gained in life. Just when you think you have exhausted all possibilities, a new insight is perceived, permutations and varieties appear in abundance. An example is sobriety. I thought it meant not drinking but today I see that it affects all areas of my life -- how I walk, the hugs I freely give, my acceptance of others, my willingness to trust and risk, my optimism for a new day. Also god is comprehensive for me today. He is alive in church, the Bible and tradition but He is also alive in literature, scripture, sexuality and music. Today I can hear beyond the symphony into the unfathomable message of God's love for His creation. And always I hear something different and new. Thank You, Lord, for Your messengers who love through the art of music.
Peace and Love, Don't believe in miracles, depend on them !
INDIFFERENCE"The worst sin towards our fellow creatures in not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them. That's the essence of inhumanity." -- George Bernard Shaw For years I was indifferent to family and friends. And the tragedy was that because of my alcoholism I did not know it! For too long I was unaware of my disease and its multiple implications. Today I am not indifferent. Spirituality teaches me that I am not a spectator but a participant. I am involved in my life and, ultimately, in the lives of others. Today I seek to practice the principles of sobriety in every area of my life. I not only seek to be sober on a daily basis, but I also seek to be honest, open and tolerant with other people. The spiritual goal of sobriety and abstinence has placed me at the center of the universe and I know today that I make a difference to my fellow man. Remove from me all attitudes of indifference and apathy. Make me a worthy steward in Your vineyard Peace and Love, Rick Don't believe in miracles, depend on them !
WAYS TO ACHIEVE PIECE OF MINDSeveral years ago the sociology department of Duke University did a study on "peace of mind." Several factors were found to contribute greatly to emotional and mental stability; they are: Forgive. Rid yourself of suspicion and resentment. Nursing a grudge was a major factor in unhappiness. Forget. Live in the present. An unwholesome preoccupation with old mistakes and failures leads to depression. Accept life. Don't waste time and energy fighting conditions you cannot change. Cooperate with life, instead of trying to run away from it. Stay involved. Force yourself to stay involved with the living world. Resist the temptation to withdraw and become reclusive during periods of emotional stress. Roll with the punches. Refuse to indulge in self-pity when life hands you a raw deal. Accept the fact that nobody gets through life without some sorrow and misfortune. Be old-fashioned. Cultivate the old-fashion virtues -- love, honor, compassion and loyalty. Be reasonable. Don't expect too much of yourself. When there is too wide a gap between self-expectation and your ability to meet the goals you have set, feelings of inadequacy are inevitable. Go outside yourself. Find something bigger than yourself to believe in. Self-centered, egotistical people score lowest in any test for measuring happiness.
Peace and Love, Don't believe in miracles, depend on them !