Resolution For the new Millenium & the 'age of Aquarius' it is fitting that the past should be wrapped in the resolution of forgiveness so, we can move forward.
Resolution is not something you can gain, it's an inner strength that So, Ricks resolutions will continue because, I love these words.
May | June January | February November | December September | October
BE HAPPYThe world cannot make you happy. Only you can do that, and it is easier than you think. You can be happy just by deciding to be. Though it sounds shallow and simplistic, such an approach to life is actually quite sophisticated and effective. To make the best of what you are, requires that you fully appreciate what you have. What better way to do that than to be happy with yourself and your life? Is it possible to be happy when things are not going your way, or even when a terrible tragedy strikes your life? Yes. The events and circumstances around you do not define you. Feeling sadness is natural, healthy and unavoidable. Yet that sadness, though it may be intense, does not have to define you. You can be disappointed with external events, and happy with yourself, all at the same time. And in your happiness there is potent energy with which you can overcome the sadness and disappointments. Be happy -- not because you are too foolish to know any better, but because you are smart enough to know it works. Be happy, and be your best. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
DIGNITY"To behave with dignity is nothing less than to allow others freely to be themselves." --Sol Chaneles I believe that ultimately I can only be responsible for me. It is impossible for me to live another person's life. It is disrespectful to assume the role of decision-maker for another adult human being. People must have the freedom to grow and be themselves. Dignity is affording people this freedom. Today I can see how I continued to keep members of my family sick by taking on a responsibility that was not mine. I can see how I was not giving dignity to my family; I was unintentionally withholding dignity from those I loved. People, especially family members, must be given the freedom to express their hurts. They have a responsibility to deal with their pain -- because it is theirs! I pray that I may give to others the dignity I desire in my own life. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
GREATNESS"The ability to accept responsibility is the measure of the man." --Roy L. Smith I believe the greatest insight into my life is that I am responsible; my responsibility is an important and dignified gift from God. My responsibility reveals my involvement in God's creation, in my life and my recovery from alcoholism. Greatness is in the choices I make, and the choices come with God's gift of freedom. Human beings are more than puppets on a string or automated machines. We are creative creatures who carry the burden and joy of responsibility. Along with the acceptance of my alcoholism I also accepted the responsibility to remain sober in my decisions and lifestyle: such is greatness. Thank You for giving me the responsibility to co-create with You. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
ACQUIRED TASTEDid you know that you can decide what you enjoy? Yes, of course you can. Think of all the "acquired tastes" you have accumulated over your lifetime. Many things you now enjoy as an adult -- certain foods, types of music, activities -- you no doubt abhorred as a child. Success is an acquired taste. Those who learn to enjoy the activities which lead to success and achievement are the ones who attain that success. The best players genuinely enjoy the game. The most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who truly love their work. Many people dream of the ideal job in which they could do what they already love, and make money at it. That is an admirable and worthy aspiration, yet sometimes it is just not realistic. But there's another way to arrive at the same result -- if you can't find a way to do what you love, then find a way to love what you do. One way or another, when you acquire a taste for success you'll feast on the positive results it brings. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
DESIRE"One must not lose desires. They are mighty stimulating to creativeness, to love, and to long life." --Alexander A. Bogomoletz Today I desire to live. I have discovered value in my life. I have experienced personal self-esteem. I am able to feel again, talk, trust and laugh again. Today I desire to live. But I can remember when I felt lonely, isolated, angry, shutdown and hopeless. The desires I had were destructive, desiring isolation mingled with alcohol. Then the pain became too great and I experienced a vital "moment". I realized I needed to make a choice -- was I to live or die? I chose to live! This was the beginning of my spiritual journey into self from which I discovered God and His world. Creative and positive desires were re-born in my life, and I am able to live and love again. O Lord, may I continue to desire those things that do not hurt me. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
NEGATIVITY"My life has been nothing but a failure." --Claude Monet I can identify with Claude Monet because for years I considered myself a complete failure. For years I wallowed on my pity-pot until it became too painful. Whatever the "pay-off" was in the previous years had dried up, and I was left with a rock bottom pain that forced me to consider the alternative: I needed to set about doing something to change things! Astounding! Impossible! How could this ever be? I was forever to be a victim of alcoholism. "Not so." I heard a voice of hope from a recovering alcoholic who had made the change. Slowly I took small steps towards recovery and self-esteem. I am failure so long as I consider myself a failure. I am what I create in my life. God requires my cooperation to make miracles in my life. My decision to listen to those who had achieved sobriety provided the seeds for my recovery today. I wonder if Claude Monet was an alcoholic who never heard the words of hope? Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
VOCATION"It is well for a man to respect his own vocation, whatever it is, and to think himself bound to uphold it and to claim for it the respect it deserves." --Charles Dickens Nobody else is quite like me. Nobody else can view the world, experience the world, feel the world in the way I can. I am the center of the universe. Other people can love -- but it is not the same as my love. Other people can offer the hand of friendship -- but it is not the same as the friendship that I can offer. Other people can utter a kind word -- but the phrasing of my words belong to me. I am unique and I must remember that. Even my space in the world is special. Nobody can take up the place that I have on the earth; you cannot get into my space. We may both be looking at the same scene, but I see it from my place in the world. Today I respect my uniqueness. Let me continue to discover something of Your unique image in my life. "Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow
YOUTH"We are none of us infallible -- not even the youngest of us." --W. H. Thompson When I was a young man I did not want to listen to older people because I felt that they did not understand me. With hindsight I see that I did not want to hear what they were saying about my lifestyle. Today now that I am a "mature man" with a few years of sobriety, I must avoid having the same attitude towards the young, not listening to them because I think they are "too young" or do not understand! I must not repeat, in reverse, yesterday's mistakes! None of us are infallible. We are not God. We can learn from each other if we have the patience to listen. Sometimes we need to seek the meaning behind the words. God, teach me to listen with the ear of understanding and patience. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow" TEMPTATIONIt is tempting to think that you can have something for nothing. It is tempting to think that you can take shortcuts. It is tempting to think that you can avoid the negative consequences of your destructive behavior. When we're tempted to do what we know we should not, it is a deception. We see the reward, obsess over it, and mentally build it up bigger than life, completely out of proportion to reality. At the same time we fail to see the significantly bigger downside. Being positive does not mean ignoring the negative consequences of our actions. Living positively comes from avoiding the negative consequences by refraining from the destructive behavior which surely leads to them. The next time you are tempted to act against your own good judgment, remember that it is a lie, a deception for which you will ultimately and unavoidably suffer. Be positive by clearly seeing the negative and staying away from it. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"