Resolution For the new Millenium & the 'age of Aquarius' it is fitting that the past should be wrapped in the resolution of forgiveness so, we can move forward.
Resolution is not something you can gain, it's an inner strength that So, Ricks resolutions will continue because, I love these words. January: FOREGIVENESS | PEACE | DOUBT | LIVING
May | June March | April November | December September | October
FOREGIVENESS"Without forgiveness life is governed by . . . an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation." --Roberto Assagioli So much of what I resent in others springs from my unhappiness with self. I hate in others what I know to be in myself: arrogance, pride, narrow-mindedness, snobbery and dishonesty. Today I am learning that as long as I refuse to forgive others, I am not capable of forgiving myself. Part of my denial is reflected in my attitudes towards others. Those character traits I refuse to forgive in others are buried within myself. I know that without forgiveness there is no freedom -- and I wish to grow in freedom. Today I am learning the difference between forgiveness and acceptance. I can forgive other people without accepting their lifestyle. I can forgive myself and still see the need for change. In my forgiveness is the hope for tomorrow. Master, You taught that without forgiveness, there can be no pure love. Help me grow in the forgiveness of self and others. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
Today let us truly enjoy and accept what we are. Knowing we have a chance to be more of the person we always wanted to be in due time. PEACE
Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself
Do not set your goals by what other people deem
Do not take for granted the things closest to your
Do not let your life slip through your fingers by
Do not give up when you still have something to
Do not be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking
Do not shut love out of your life by saying it is
The quickest way to receive love is to give love;
Do not dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is
Do not run through life so fast that you forget not
Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each Peace and Love,Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
DOUBTDoubt "Doubt isn't the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith." --Paul Tillich That part of me that does not know is vibrant in spirituality. Problems are part of what it is to be human and an element of doubt is essential. With the doubt comes the growth. However, as a younger man I was told that it was a sin to doubt; God demanded a steadfast faith and doubt could have no part of faith! I remember going to confession and feeling guilty and ashamed about my doubts -- but I did doubt and doubt has always played a part in my life. In some ways I think that my religious doubts have been the most creative part of me -- certainly they have enabled me to grow and build a bridge of understanding with others. Master, hear, through the doubts, my love of You. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
The price is the reward. You are wholly complete and your success in life will be in direct proportion to your ability to accept this truth about you. ~ Dr. Robert Anthony ~ LIVING"It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live." --Marcus Aurelius For years I did not live I simply existed. What many people take for granted I did not have: friends, vacations, job satisfaction, gratitude, family, communication and love of self. An aspect of my disease, my denial, was that I thought I was happy without having any evidence for such a feeling. Indeed, my lifestyle indicated progressive isolation. That's illusion. A recovering alcoholic priest shared that early in recovery he saw a sunset and remarked, "How long has that been happening?" Like him, I missed so much! Life is to be lived or endured. My spiritual recovery means that every day I reach out to life and grasp it, hold it, smell it -- and smile. God of life, let me live today. Let my "high" be the glory of the day. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow" A thought for our thought: 'If God created us with "free will" would that not be the way he wanted us to be?'
MAKE IT BIGMake it big Start small. It is where everyone starts. It is where every achievement starts -- as a small, fragile thought. Anyone can start small. That is the beauty of true success. It doesn't have to be grand or magnificent in the beginning; in fact it cannot be. Start small and then keep going. Keep growing, learning and adding to your achievements. Success is attained not by those who start big, but by those who maintain their momentum long enough to get big. Every day counts. Every moment counts. You can allow them to work against you, or you can make them work for you. Where do you want to go? What small thing can you do right now to get you started? The most stunning achievements you could possibly imagine each began with a small thought, an idea, a desire to make a difference. What is your thought, your idea, your desire? Follow it and keep nurturing it until it is real. It may be small now, but you can make it big. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
CHOOSE TO SUCCEEDChoose to succeed Think for a moment not about what is happening to you today but rather, about what you have chosen for today. Most of the external things will go right along no matter how you react to them. Your choices, not your circumstances, are what will determine the quality of this day, and of your life. You can choose to pursue the great opportunities which are in front of you. You can choose to make progress in spite of the difficulties which confront you and the obstacles that stand in your way. You can choose to make a difference. You can choose to be effective. There are plenty of excuses not to. It's all too easy to give in to the seemingly overwhelming circumstances. Yet you always have another path. You can choose the quality and the outcome of this day by the actions you decide to take. It's your choice. Choose to make it a great and successful day. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"
FRUSTRATIONThe energy of frustration Some of the greatest achievements come from the biggest frustrations. In frustration there is an enormous amount of energy. Too often, that energy is directed and focused in negative ways, but it certainly does not have to be. Some people use frustration as an excuse to destroy. While that may be completely understandable, it doesn't do anything to improve the situation. The gratification of any "revenge" is quickly replaced by an even bigger and more desperate frustration. The best response to frustration is positive action. Sure, you have every right to be angry, but so what? The real challenge is to make a positive difference. The energy of frustration is a powerful resource which can propel you to new heights. Don't waste it by trying to bring someone else down to your level. There is abundant energy in your frustration. It is yours to use for whatever purpose you desire. You've paid dearly for that frustration, so funnel it in a positive direction - make the very most of it. Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow" CHANGECHANGE "The foolish and the dead never change their opinion." --James Russell Lowell Part of my understanding of spirituality is that I will change. I will change my mind, my attitude and my opinion. My understanding of sobriety is that I will grow, grow in an understanding of myself, grow in an understanding of God's will for me, and grow in an understanding of other people. Today I am not afraid to change my thinking about life. During my years as an addict I was fixed and rigid about everything. I saw it as weakness to change my mind and opinions. Now I understand that I was afraid of change, afraid not to have an answer, afraid not to be seen as being "in charge". In treatment I learned how to understand spirituality as reality; seeing things as they are, rather than how I wanted them to be. I began to accept that life is about change and that truth is a process that we evolve towards. In my journey towards You, may I have the willingness to change. Peace and Love,Peace and Love, Rick Ventis secundis, tene cursum - "Go with the flow"