'Imagine' by John Lennon
...Imagine is a verb, the doing word of the new millenium.

Every day 

beauty anew!


Puckisms 2000
Return to 'Puckisms' of 2001!

{the most chronically ridiculous analogy ever mooted}
Equal is a mathmatical equation
...humans are far too individual to fit into such a cubit.
If you discover greatness, to equal it would be a copy.

To be the compliment to greatness would surpass equality.

15 December, 1999

What is seen,
is not what is!

5 December, 1999

It is a thing of beauty
to watch stones take their natural place
in a running stream.

24 November, 1999

Relevant thought is like a tap
...turned on in time of need
...turned off for conservation.

24 November, 1999

'Invite' one of the nicest words in any language.
14 November, 1999

The cliche is that 'all roads lead to Rome'.
The experience is 'the way is paved with spirits
to lead one home'.

7 November, 1999

One persons honesty & integrity can be another persons curse.
For all things are relative & the consequences many.

18 October, 1998

Life is a journey....RPism 1997

The difference between a maze & a tapestry is the story. Life can be either, for both are journeys; the maze lacks the colourful intricacy.
Colour your maze ... make it a tapestry.

12 October, 1999

Everyone should take the occasional guilt trip... none of us have perfected unselfishness.

7 October, 1999

'Assert fairness; not self', & in the long term you will be associated with respect.

26 September, 1999

A PYEISM: "Age is like a price tag.

You never know it's true value
until you try the merchandise."

Pye (alias 'Special K') - September 1, 1999

Life is not an experiment .... it is a discovery tour.

How much can you discover,
without becoming the experiment?

24 August, 1999

The body is one humungous sensual organ. But, it reflects the spirit that dwells within & what that spirit absorbs or, is prevented from absorbing.

13 August, 1999

A sign of maturity is when an individual can admit what they want without, creating a situation to manipulate what they want. Facing that they might have to do without, is a sign of growth.

The mind said ... "I will remain an emotional hermit until, the spirit sets the precedent by which I can physically live!" ...the heart agreed, and continued to play solitaire. It's the only game in town. 31 July 1999

Life is a habit... You get to choose the good or, bad influences that 'support your habit'. 27 June 1999

We never see ourself as others see us ... they never see us how we percieve ourself ... unless we allow them. 27 June 1999

Our other family member 'Lady' jumps at the slightest bang. We recognise there is no danger & think she is silly. Which of us is right? Is this the sound of a mute whistling? 27 June 1999

DahPucks favourite saying: "There are more things in heaven & earth, than man will ever understand." born. 4 December 1899 - p/o.19 Febuary 1981

A whining sound creates mistrust in a working engine ....even if it is a voice full of complaint. 19 May 1999

Anger creates anger .... a quiet spirit allows peace to guide your life as an example for others to follow. 15 May 1999

Insanity is merely a word ....used to describe a lack of self trust. When used by others toward an objective, it implies lack of faith in the objectives instincts. 14 May 1999

Some words, speak volumes. 27 April 1999

Because you still exist on this day, YOU are greater than anything you have already experienced & survived. 7 May, 1999

Not one thing is meant to be perfect. For nothing is exactly that. Every thing is meant to be appreciated for what it is...therein, lies it's perfection. 5 May, 1999

Faces come; faces go ... whatever is born & retained in the heart, is etched & valued for eternity. 28 March, 1999

Grief is natural ...excessive grief mirrors selfishness or, guilt ...lack of grief speaks for itself but, to withdraw from grief does not reflect a lack of. 12 April 1999

Someone referred to Puck insight as awesome! Like beauty....awesome is "in the eye of the beholder ...my eye is focused on the source of my inspirations... ... mega awesome! 14 February 1999

1999 Rememberance.
A Dad philosophy: "Ask no questions...you'll be told no lies." A Puck philosophy: "It's my job!"

If you do NOT wish to be misinterpreted. Don't write! Don't speak! Don't sign; gesture; expostulate. Don't bloody move....just expire from inertia...you'll be safer.

A Poem should be like a good vitamin pill. 'One a day, should be enough'. 14 Febrauary 1999

A distressed person poured out the tale of betrayal & how faith had been crushed by the discovery of a mates lies. "What should I do?" was asked several times but, a sounding board was wanted not, an answer. So none was given. "Why has my partner changed?" was finally queried. The answer given was:- "Nothing has changed! Only your perception & perspective. You now have the choice of, whether you accept what you now see or, decide to move on." 11 February 1999

"I just want a few million bucks" said the enthusiast! The Puck replied "By the time you earn the millions,
it will have the value,
of the hundred bucks you have in your pocket now.

Enjoy the hundred bucks you now have,
it's really worth millions!" 3 February 1999

During a spirited game of chess a hesitant question was asked "Are you Catholic or, something. Aethiest perhaps?"

"Actually" came the reply "none of the conventional religions." A 5 minute dissertation followed & the questioner sat in wide eyed fascination. "So," came the conclusion with a smile "I guess I would class myself as God oriented."

"Amazing" said the questioner with an abject smirk "I was only asking because your arse is grass & I thought you better start praying, in whatever you believe."

The moral ... never ask a Puck a question unless, you are prepared for the answer. Ah! the game? Checkmated in 2 moves but, it was a good tactic to delay humiliation - I was hoping my opponent would fall asleep. January 1999

We are spirits - the body a suit of clothing. If our spirits have known each other in another time, it is not suprising we would brush once again however briefly - the senses of recognition once more. 25 October 1998